Vishal Bharadwaj was shooting for his film Kaminay on Wednesday night, the night when the terrorists had attacked. He was shooting along with Shahid and Priyanka Chopra at Horniman circle. Unfortunately he had
to stop shooting immediately when the terrorists firing at the CST circle.
When asked Vishal agreed to the fact that the shooting of his film had been stopped and that he is uncertain as to when he would be starting with it again.
He also said that he was fortunate enough to have a
narrow escape as his set was very close to all the three venues. When he heard the gunshots he thought they were fireworks. Its only later that he found out that what had happened actually.
His wife Rekha said that till the police do not give an all clear to the situation the film would be a complete halt.
It seems the whole crew is completely under shock and till the entire situation in Mumbai is
normal they won't be shooting at all.
She is also uncertain about when they would resume shooting because as per the script the film has to be shot only in South Mumbai. She conveys her condolences to
the families who are affected in the firings.
Along with Kaminay, the shooting of Leena Yadav's Big B starrer Teen Patti is also on hold.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 12:18 IST